Monday, February 28, 2011


February 28/2011

Today is RSI Day (Repetitive Strain Injuries). Please find the MOL link below which contains a lot of information on RSI injuries and prevention; however we must continue to fight for an enforceable RSI Regulation which would do more to reduce the amount of human suffering that affects thousands of workers across Ontario .


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

District 6 Injured Workers Assistance Program

Since the launch of the "Injured Workers Assistance Program" in September 2009 were seeing more and more Steelworkers receiving the compensation claims they deserve.
This program provides assistance with compensation claims for workers who are injured on the job or who fall victim to occupational disease.
When the District proposed this program it never imagined it would reach over 5,000 USW members in little over a year. To date the program has helped members win compensation claims worth more than $6 million in total.

Injured Worker's Assistance Program Coordinator Jim Pasel is working hard to roll out the program throughout the District and to get workers compensation team advocates trained and set up. To date, there are nine fully trained Steelworkers who are now helping in their locals each and every day.

On September 8/2010 our local officially joined the injured Worker's Assistance Program. The cost to a local to enrol in the program is only .50 cents per member, per month, which is deducted from the local union dues refunds.

For more information please contact Jim Pasel at 1-877-836-9291, or at