Amalgamated Local 8327 Membership,
If you who wish to voice your opinions in regards to education, workplace issues, representation, collective agreement, or other pertinent issues that may apply let us know by becoming a member to this blog. Were prepared to review your questions and suggestions.
As a local, it's our objective to reach out to the membership and look at alternative ways to improve our role as union activist.
a) Share an experience you've had, since you became a union member.
b) Tell us about a person you consider to be a positive role model in the Union and who has influenced you in becoming a union activist.
Note: Local general membership meetings are scheduled at 7 pm every second Wednesday of every month at 2285 St.Laurent Blvd Unit Building D-11, except for the following month(s) (July and August ). For a more direct approach, it would be more informative if you as a member could attend the local general membership meeting.